Guides - Add DNS Records

Linode’s DNS Manager is a comprehensive interface within the Linode Cloud Manager that gives you complete oversight of DNS records.

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After a domain has been created, you’re able to add DNS records. Each type of DNS record is used for a different purpose. The applications that utilize your domain determine which DNS records you need to add.

  1. Select a domain from within the Domains section of the Cloud Manager.

  2. The page for a domain is divided into sections for each type of DNS record. Locate the section for the type of DNS record you want to add, then click Add a Record to display the Create Record form.

  3. Complete the Create Record form with the settings needed for your desired functionality. The exact form fields vary depending on the type of DNS record you select.

    For advice on creating various types of DNS records, see the following sections of the DNS Records: An Introduction guide: A and AAAA, CNAME, MX, NS, SPF, TXT, and others.

    As an example, a new A/AAAA record requires the following fields:

    • Hostname: The hostname you wish to use. This is also referred to as the subdomain. Leave this field blank (or enter a @ character) to use the base domain ( or enter a value to use a specific subdomain. For instance, entering www creates a record for
    • IP Address: Enter the IPv4 address of the target server if you wish to create an A record. Enter the IPv6 address of the server to create a AAAA (pronounced quad A) record. See the Find Your Linode’s IP Address guide for help locating an IP address on your Linode Compute Instance.
    • TTL - Time To Live (pronounced as lɪv): Sets the lifespan of the cache for the DNS record. Setting the TTL to 5 minutes is recommended for many use cases. If Default is selected, the TTL is set to 24 hours. To provide some context, most DNS queries are handled by a DNS resolver, which acts as the middle entity between the end user’s computer and the authoritative name servers. When the DNS resolver receives a query for a new DNS record, it asks the authoritative name server and stores the result in its cache. If another request for that DNS record comes in and the TTL value has not yet elapsed, the DNS resolver uses the cached copy. If the TTL has elapsed, the DNS resolver re-queries the authoritative name server.
  4. Click Save. Your DNS record is created and visible in the Cloud Manager.

New DNS records may take up to 24 hours to propagate throughout the internet, although they are usually visible within several hours.

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