DNS Manager - Guides

Linode’s DNS Manager is a comprehensive interface within the Linode Cloud Manager that gives you complete oversight of DNS records.

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Building Blocks

These introductory guides to Linode DNS Manager will get you up and running with this service.

  • Add Domains: You can add a domain in the Domains section of the Cloud Manager.

  • Add DNS Records: After you add a domain, you want to add some DNS records.

  • Edit DNS Records: You can modify DNS records easily after they’ve been added from the Domains section of the Cloud Manager.

  • Remove Domains: Removing Domains can also be done easily from the Cloud Manager in the Domains section.

  • Transfer Domain Zones: You can transfer a Domain zone to a non-Linode DNS server that you designate and trust.


These additional guides will help you with targeted topics like DNS basics and more advanced subjects.

DNS Basics

Advanced Topics

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