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What is Rclone? Rclone is a command-line tool for syncing files to remote services. A GUI called Rclone Browser is also available.
Neovim is an open source fork of the ubiquitous Vim text editor. It supports the Lua programming language which opens up vast possibilities for configuration, scripting, and plugin development.
Vim is a minimalist text editor that is highly adaptable. Beyond configuration and scripting, you can extend Vim with a wide array of plugins developed and maintained by a large and active community.
The Linux kernel is modular in nature, which means it’s possible to add and remove modules as needed.
Glances is a Linux system monitoring dashboard that you can run from the command line or in your web browser.
choose offers command-line text processing, like cut and awk, but with an emphasis on making the basics simple and intuitive.
Both beginners and advanced users of Linux can benefit from a Linux command cheat sheet. If you need to use a command that isn’t part of your daily toolchain, or if you are coming from a non-Linux based operating system, a Linux command reference is what you need.
cheat is a command-line tool that lets you view, create, and manage cheat sheets. This tool is ideal for Linux system administrators because you can access your cheat sheets directly from the command line.
dog is a command-line DNS client used for looking up DNS records for domain names. It’s an alternative to the popular dig command.
sd is a command-line tool for finding and replacing text, similar to sed. But, unlike sed, sd focuses on substitution only, allowing it to use simpler and easier to read commands.
The procs utility is a useful and informative alternative to the original Linux ps (process status) command.
Hard drive space on a system can fill up quickly, especially when new software is installed.
Many Linux users run certain commands regularly. Newcomers might resort to retyping the command or using the up and down keys to scroll through previous commands.
Duf is a command-line tool for viewing your system’s disk usage and free space. It combines into one place the information you might otherwise get from the du and df commands and presents that information in a clean and modern interface.
Linux users typically rely upon the built-in find command to locate files and directories on their system.
The ripgrep utility is a useful alternative to the traditional grep command on Linux. Both ripgrep and grep are used to search files for specific patterns of text.
The Silver Searcher is a command-line tool for searching code. It is similar to the well-known ack command, but improves on performance and adds support for .
jq is a free open source JSON processor that is flexible and straightforward to use.
The tldr pages project seeks to improve and simplify the well-known man pages. tldr pages provide information on a wide range of Linux commands and include several options to interact with the information.
The gping tool takes the functionality of the ping tool and displays its data on a graph.
hyperfine is a Linux tool used to benchmark command-line commands. It includes features to test the performance of individual commands, side by side.
Bottom is a terminal-based graphical dashboard for system monitoring. It comes with a range of customization options and display features that set it apart from other system monitoring dashboards.
Gtop is a system monitoring dashboard for your terminal, with a rich graphical display. In this guide, you learn more about gtop and how it compares to the Linux utilities, top and htop.
HTTPie is a command-line HTTP client built for modern web APIs. It provides intuitive commands and a user-friendly interface.
The broot command provides a modern approach to generating directory trees on the Linux command line.
Curlie is a frontend to the ubiquitous command-line HTTP client cURL. With curlie, you get all of the features and versatility of cURL with a modern and user-friendly interface similar to the HTTP client, HTTPie.
Streamlink allows you to watch your favorite Twitch streams using the most popular media players on Linux and macOS.
The bat command is a clone of the ubiquitous cat command. It modernizes cat with a more readable design and features like syntax highlighting and a Git integration.
Streamlink lets you watch any stream inside your favorite media players such as VLC, MPlayer, and QuickTime.
The Linux chroot command enables you to run applications or shells within a separate, secure environment.
FFMpeg is a free and open-source utility that is used for video and audio processing.
You may have heard of the text editor Vi, and probably also its relative Vim. But what is Vi, and why do many users on Unix systems continue to use it?
The cron utility is a job-scheduling tool found on all Linux and Unix operating systems, as well as macOS.
Supervisor is a process control system based on the client/server model. It can be used to simplify process management by providing a centralized location for process control.
A Vi/m Layer Makes Emacs Evil Emacs is an endlessly versatile text editor. Every aspect can be customized, and new features can be added both globally and within specific modes.
What is split? split is a Unix command-line utility similar to grep or tail. It allows you to divide a larger file into several smaller files.
What is autojump? autojump is a command line utility similar to cd. It helps speeds up file navigation by maintaining a history of directories that have been previously navigated by the user.
What is NeoVim?
Introduction For beginners, managing files on their Linux servers from the command line can be intimidating, time-consuming, and sometimes even risky.
What Is Vim?
Siege is an HTTP load testing and benchmarking utility that can be used to measure the performance of a web server when under duress.
GNU nano is a popular command-line text editor that is included in most Linux distributions. The interface is comparable to GUI-based text editors, which makes nano a popular choice for those who find vi or emacs commands non-intuitive.
What are sort and uniq?
killall is a tool for terminating running processes on your system based on name. In contrast, kill terminates processes based on Process ID number (PID).
What is tail?
What is wget?
When you have to find a file in Linux, it’s sometimes not as easy as finding a file in another operating system.
The head command is a core Linux utility used to view the very beginning of a text file.
The ln command creates links which point to other objects in the file system.
The date command displays the current date and time. It can also be used to display or calculate a date in a format you specify.
The traditional Unix utility sed makes it possible to manipulate strings and streams of text from the command line without using a text editing application.
Modify File Permissions with chmod The chmod command allows users to change read and write permissions in Unix systems.
Grep is a command-line utility that can search and filter text using a common regular expression syntax.
Unison is a file synchronization tool that allows users to maintain two instances of a given file set on two systems up to date and identical.
tar and gzip provide a standard interface for creating archives and compressing files on Linux systems.
As the system administrator for your Linode, you may want to give your users the ability to securely upload files to your server.
What is Cron? Cron is a classic utility found on Linux and UNIX systems for running tasks at pre-determined times or intervals.
Rsync is a command line utility which synchronizes files and folders from one location to another.
The shell, also known as the “command line interface” or “CLI”", is the primary method for interacting with remote Linux servers.
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